News & Events


Posted on: September 26th, 2024 in: National NASA

NASA’s Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts – Academic Linkage (RASC-AL) Competition fuels innovation for aerospace systems concepts, analogs, and technology prototyping by bridging gaps through university and college engagement. RASC-AL is open to undergraduate and graduate university-level students studying fields with applications to space exploration (i.e., aerospace, bio-medical, electrical, and mechanical engineering; and life, physical, and computer sciences). RASC-AL projects allow students to incorporate their coursework into real aerospace design concepts and work together in a team environment. Interdisciplinary teams are encouraged.

Through RASC-AL, student teams and their faculty advisors will design innovative solutions with supporting original engineering and analysis in response to one of the following themes:

  • Sustained Lunar Evolution – An Inspirational Moment
  • Advanced Science Missions and Technology Demonstrators for Human-Mars Precursor Campaign
  • Small Lunar Servicing and Maintenance Robot

In 2025, up to 14 Finalist Teams may be chosen to compete at the RASC-AL Competition Forum in Cocoa Beach, Florida. Each team will receive a monetary award to facilitate full participation in the RASC-AL Competition Forum. The top 2 overall winning teams will be invited to present their design projects to industry experts at a major aerospace conference in 2025, such as AIAA ASCEND Conference (with additional travel stipends provided).

The deadline to submit a Notice of Intent is Thursday, October 10, 2024. Interested teams are strongly encouraged to submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to compete before the proposal deadline to stay informed of competition news, and for program staff to ensure an adequate number of proposal reviewers.

Nevada NASA Programs

4300 S. Maryland Parkway
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

(702) 522-7070