2017 Research Infrastructure Development Seed Grant

The open application period for this funding opportunity has ended. Please check back soon for other opportunities that may be of interest to you.

The Nevada NASA EPSCoR program announces available funding for 2017 Research Infrastructure Development Seed Grants. 

Focus:  The programmatic focus is to further engage and utilize Nevada’s unique resources and talent for enhancing greater scientific discovery and developing new technologies to address NASA’s mission goals. The request for seed grant funds may be based on outcomes from prior workshops/meetings with NASA Personnel; however, these funds should not augment existing funded research projects.  Research Infrastructure Development (RID) activities should target unique activities that increase Nevada’s competitiveness.

Eligibility: Faculty at any Nevada System of Higher Education institution, particularly junior faculty, women, and members of other underrepresented populations are encouraged to apply. The seed grant proposals must include a collaboration of at least two NSHE institutions, produce a proposal to NASA or relevant program, and be designed for activities that accomplish one or more of the following:
•    Initiate inter-or multi-disciplinary activities;
•    Create critical mass or expertise on topics of strategic interest to NASA and Nevada; and/or
•    Engage NASA scientists from one or more NASA Centers.

Funding:  Nevada NASA EPSCoR, depending on available funds, seeks to fund 2-3 projects. Project total should not exceed $50,000 ($25,000 federal dollars and $25,000 Nevada Special Projects Match). State funds will be provided via State Special Projects Match through NSHE. No institutional match will be required from your institution. 

Please read the full solicitation for all relevant details.