2025 Nevada NASA EPSCoR Request for LOI and Pre-proposals: Basic Research Opportunity NOFO

Applications Accepted: 07/22/24 - 08/26/2024

Step 1 of 2

  • The Nevada NASA EPSCoR program requests Letter of Intent (LOI) and Pre-proposals for the National NASA EPSCoR Basic Research Opportunity NOFO.

    The National NASA EPSCoR Program will be releasing the 2025 Basic Research Opportunity (formerly Research Collaboration) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) in October 2024. NV NASA EPSCoR will be permitted to submit a single full proposal, which will likely be due in mid-January 2025. To allow sufficient time to select and develop a single strong full proposal from Nevada, letters of intent and pre-proposals are being solicited in advance of the Federal NOFO release. The LOIs are required to submit a pre-proposal and will be used to select review panel members for the pre-proposal competitive external review. The results of the external review will result in the selection of one pre-proposal that will advance to full proposal development. Note: The National NASA EPSCoR NOFO will only permit one full proposal submission per EPSCoR state. An amendment to this solicitation will be released if we learn of any significant changes from past federal NOFOs. The NOFO (formerly CAN) announcement from last year is attached to this solicitation as an e-paperclip.

    NASA EPSCoR Research NOFO pre-proposals must include three or more statewide collaborations among NSHE institutions and a NASA Center or NASA Contractor Collaborator.  

    Eligibility: Faculty at NSHE institutions, particularly junior faculty, women, and members of other underrepresented populations are encouraged to apply. Faculty who have a current National NASA EPSCoR Research CAN/ NOFO project are not eligible to apply while their project is on-going. Pre-proposals must include Co-PIs from at least two other NSHE institutions.

    Funding: It is anticipated that the NASA EPSCoR Basic Research Opportunity NOFO will provide an award of $750,000 in Federal funds along with $375,000 in cost share (state provided and institutional match) total for a three-year period. State matching funds are contingent on matching fund availability. Note: an attempt must be made to distribute Federal and state matching funds to each participating institution. If institutional match is required, that match must be met at the respective institution, i.e., if there are insufficient state matching funds, institutions receiving Federal funding must provide the 2:1 match from their institution and not through another NSHE institution’s budget.

    Please read the full  SOLICITATION  for all relevant details. *Download PDF file to view "paperclipped" attachments.

    A webinar about this solicitation will be held Monday, August 5, at 11 am PT. Use this Microsoft Teams link to attend:   JOIN THE MEETING

    STEP 1 - Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) Online:  Due August 12, 2024, 5:00 pm PT.   CLICK HERE to submit LOI.

    STEP 2 - Submit Pre-proposal Online:  Due August 26, 2024, 5:00 pm PT. Please submit a single PDF document using the naming convention: PI Last Name_First Name_NASA_NOFO. Submissions that are incomplete will not be reviewed and no late submissions will be accepted.