Posted on: October 1st, 2020 in: NASA EPSCoR

Mark your calendars! NCUR 2021 will be delivered as a digital event, NCUR @Home on April 12-14, 2021. This is an exciting opportunity for thousands of undergraduate researchers from all disciplinary corners to get together for a unique virtual conference experience. Participants will gain experience presenting their research to a broad audience, opportunities for professional development including a virtual graduate school fair, networking sessions with other students and faculty in their fields, and more!
- SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT Submissions are open. Submit as an individual or part of a research group (if submitting as a group, all co-presenters must create separate NCUR user accounts).
- SIGN UP TO BE AN ABSTRACT REVIEWER Faculty mentors, administrators, graduate students: we need your help! We expect several thousand submissions to NCUR this year and are calling on our valued CUR members for support.
- GET REGISTRATION RATES NCUR 2021 @Home will be hosted for the first time ever by the CUR National Office, and this year’s registration will look a little different. We will have early registration options as early as December all the way through March.
- HAVE A QUESTION? Check out the event FAQs! If you don’t see the answer you’re looking for, email