April 26, 2019
University of Nevada, Reno
Knowledge Center Rotunda, 2nd Floor
The 2019 Nevada Space Grant and NASA EPSCoR Statewide Meeting will be held April 26, 2019 at the University of Nevada, Reno, in the Knowledge Center Rotunda, 2nd Floor.
The Statewide Meeting will include oral and poster presentations featuring research results of Nevada NASA EPSCoR and Nevada NASA Space Grant funded projects as well as a keynote address by Dr. Wendy Calvin, University of Nevada, Reno. The objective of this meeting is to share Nevada NASA research findings and outcomes, stimulate collaborations and discussions and plan for upcoming activities.
Attendees will include all individuals who have received NASA research project awards from the Nevada NASA Space Grant and Nevada NASA EPSCoR in 2018 and 2019 as well as affiliates and advocates of the programs. All Nevada NASA project faculty and students, who are able, are expected to attend. Registration is required by April 15, 2019.
Travel Information
Due to budget limitations we will not be able to fund anyone’s travel expenses to Reno. Please plan accordingly.
April 26: Full day meeting
Draft Agenda
Registration and Hot Breakfast
8:15 – 8:25am
Welcome Remarks
8:25 – 9:15am
Keynote Talk: Dr. Wendy Calvin, UNR
9:15 – 10:15am
Oral research presentations (12 min talks with Q&A)
10:15 – 10:30am
10:30am – 12:00pm
-Research Development Speed Meetings (in the Rotunda)
-Student Workshop: Dr. Ann-Marie Vollstedt (UNR) and Start Smart by the American Association of University Woman (in Leonard Room)
12:00 – 1:00pm
Lunch and networking
1:00 – 2:00pm
STEM Education Mixer: David James build project
2:00 – 2:40pm
Oral research presentations (12 min talks with Q&A)
2:40 – 2:50pm
Student Poster 30 sec Oral Introductions
2:50 – 4:00pm
Break and Student Poster Competition Session
4:00 – 4:30pm
Workshop: Preparing winning oral and poster presentations, Lynn Fenstermaker
4:30 – 5:15pm
-NV Pathways to Success: Overview of NVSGC and NASA EPSCoR, Solicitation schedule; Progress & brainstorming to improve NV NASA Programs
-Poster award presentation
Registration is required. Please register by April 15, 2019.
Make sure to upload a completed NASA Media Release as part of your registration.
No joke and no April fools! Student Poster Presentation Abstract/Title submissions are due April 1, 2019.
All students participating in research funded by the Nevada Space Grant are strongly encouraged to attend the annual meeting and provide a research poster presentation. A poster session and competition will be held on Friday, April 26 so that students may share their research with everyone in attendance.
Eligibility: Students currently enrolled within a Nevada institution of higher education are eligible to participate in the poster competition. This poster session is limited to 25 entrants.
Abstracts and Headshot Due
Monday, April 1, 2019.
Word count limit: 300 words.
Poster Setup
Annual Meeting
Poster Competition
Poster Break Down
7:30 – 8:15am
8:15am – 5:15pm
2:50 – 4:00pm
Poster Format and Abstract Guidelines
All posters should be 36” X 48” and should include the information below. Students should bring their posters with them on April 26 and take them down after the poster competition. Wall space and materials will be provided in order for students to display their posters.
Title: Include a banner frame clearly stating the title of the poster, your name, your mentor(s) name, institution, and department. Be sure to include the Nevada NASA Space Grant Consortium logo and the logo of your institution.
Overview: Clearly articulate what you did, how you did it, why you did it, and what it contributes to your field and the larger field of human knowledge.
Introduction: Specify the main argument of your study, provide an overview of what you did, the evidence that supports that argument, and point out the significance and value of the research. Be succinct in this one-frame element.
Method: Illustrate how you conducted your project.
Results (If applicable): Indicate what your research has revealed.
Conclusion: Include an explanation of the ways the results satisfy the research objective. Illustrate how your findings impact scholars in your field and members of the broader intellectual community.
Poster Abstract Preparation Guidelines and Submission: All confirmed participants must upload a final poster abstract by April 1, 2019. Abstracts should be single-spaced, written in Times New Roman, 12-point font with a maximum word count of 300. Participants must include the project title, authors and institution in the submission headline. The body of the abstract should describe the background and intent of the research, methods, discussion of relevance to NASA’s strategic research plan, and research results. If results are not yet achieved, students may instead summarize future direction. Please note that failure to submit an abstract by the required date will result in disqualification from the competition.
Poster Session and Judging: Poster presentations must relate to the NASA research interests. Judges will evaluate posters based on overall poster appearance, technical content and student’s response to judge’s questions. The top 3 competitors will receive a prize. All competitors will receive a token of appreciation. Winners will be announced at the end of the evening.
Full Support: “This material is based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant No. NNX15AIO2H.”
Partial Support: “This material is based upon work supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant No. NNX15AIO2H.”
Project incomplete?
If you have any preliminary results, use them as examples of the kind of results you hope to obtain. Discuss the significance of these results.
If you don’t have any preliminary results, you can focus on projected results: what do you think you might find when your results are complete?
Whether you have complete, partial, or only projected results, keep in mind that your explanation of those results—their significance—is more important than the raw results themselves.
No joke and no April fools! Faculty Oral Presentation Abstract/Title submissions are due April 1, 2019.
All Nevada faculty funded by the Nevada NASA Space Grant Consortium and Nevada NASA EPSCoR are strongly encouraged to attend the annual meeting and provide an oral research presentation. An oral research presentation session will be held on Friday, April 26 so that faculty may share their research with everyone in attendance.
Eligibility: Faculty funded by the NVSGC and/or Nevada NASA EPSCoR during the 2018 or 2019 calendar years are eligible to participate in the oral research presentation session. This oral presentation session is limited to 9 slots with a maximum duration of 12 minutes each.
Abstracts and Headshot Due
Monday, April 1, 2019.
Word count limit: 300 words.
Annual Meeting Begins
Oral Research Presentations (12 min talks with Q&A)
Annual Meeting Concludes
9:15 – 10:15am
and 2:00 – 2:40pm
Oral Presentation and Abstract Guidelines
All abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words. Oral presentations should be accompanied by PowerPoint slides. Access to a laptop and overhead projector will be provided for all the presenters.
Title: Include an introductory slide clearly stating the title of the presentation, your name, institution, and department. Be sure to include the Nevada NASA Space Grant Consortium logo and/or the Nevada NASA EPSCoR logo(s) and the logo of your institution.
Introduction: State research goal, knowledge gap your research fills and how the research advances NASA, Nevada, and/or NSHE goals
Methods: Brief description of methods used
Results: What were your major findings? Challenges? What did you learn?
Outcomes: What publications, proposals, presentations resulted from your work?
Impacts: How has your work contributed to knowledge in engineering/science/education and society?
Oral Presentation Abstract Preparation Guidelines and Submission: All confirmed participants must upload a final poster abstract by April 1, 2019. Abstracts should be single-spaced, written in Times New Roman, 12-point font with a maximum word count of 300. Participants must include the project title, authors and institution in the submission headline. The body of the abstract should describe the background and intent of the research, methods, discussion of relevance to NASA’s strategic research plan, and research results. If results are not yet achieved, researchers may instead summarize future direction.
NEVADA NASA SPACE GRANT Acknowledgement: “This material is based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant No. NNX15AIO2H.”
NEVADA NASA EPSCoR RID GRANT Acknowledgement: “This material is based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant No. NNX15AK48A.”
Project incomplete?
If you have any preliminary results, use them as examples of the kind of results you hope to obtain. Discuss the significance of these results.
If you don’t have any preliminary results, you can focus on projected results.

Eldorado Reno Hotel & Casino
345 N Virginia St
Reno, NV 89501
Lodging Reservations
Superior Single King (non-smoking)
Thursday, April 25 ($105.00) and Friday, April 26 ($165.00).*
Attendees may book accommodations by calling the hotel reservation line below and asking for the rate code NASA19.
Eldorado Resort Casino: 1-800-879-8879
THE ROW (all three hotels): 1-888-288-1833
Room Block will close Tuesday, March 26, 2019. Reservations received after this date will only be accepted on a space and rate availability basis.
*All rates and resort fee are subject to a Washoe County room tax, currently at 13.5%. All rates are subject to a $25.00 ($28.38 inclusive of room tax) per room, per night resort fee. All paid rooms are subject to a per room, per night mandated tourism surcharge of $3.00. Unfortunately we were not able to secure the state hotel rate for Friday night. As a result please be aware that your institution will be unlikely to reimburse you past the current rate of $114 for Friday night, if you choose to stay Friday night into Saturday.
Complimentary Airport Shuttle
The Eldorado offers continuous daily airport shuttle service from 4:30am to 12:15am. Upon your arrival at the Reno Tahoe International Airport, proceed to the baggage claim area and follow the signage directing you to the general airport shuttle area to board the Eldorado shuttle.
Hotel Amenities
Complimentary hotel-wide Wi-Fi, 24-hour fitness center. Check-in time 3:00 pm, check-out time 12:00 pm.

Dr. Lynn Fenstermaker
Project Director

Gibran Chavez-Gudino
Research Administrator