April 29, 2022
Desert Research Institute
755 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89119
The 2022 Nevada NASA Programs Hybrid Statewide Meeting will be held on April 29, 2022 at the Desert Research Institute’s Las Vegas Campus (755 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89119). All sessions will be held both in person and virtually. The Statewide Meeting will include oral and poster presentations featuring research results of Nevada NASA EPSCoR and Nevada NASA Space Grant funded projects as well as a keynote address. The objective of this meeting is to share Nevada NASA research findings and outcomes, stimulate collaborations and discussions and plan for upcoming activities.
COVID-19: Masks are not required for fully vaccinated individuals; however, you are more than welcome to wear a mask if you feel more comfortable doing so. Please do not attend the meeting in person if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or if you are feeling sick.
Attendees will include all individuals who have received NASA research project awards from the Nevada NASA Space Grant and Nevada NASA EPSCoR in 2021 as well as affiliates and advocates of the programs. All Nevada NASA project faculty and students, who are able, are expected to attend. Registration is required by April 22, 2022.
Please note: We are capping in-person attendance at 50 attendees.
Draft Agenda
Registration and Hot Breakfast
8:15 – 8:25am
Welcome Remarks
8:25 – 10:00am
Oral research presentations (brief talks with Q&A)
Aude Picard (UNLV): Under pressure: defining the limits of life on Ocean Worlds
Eden Furtak-Cole (DRI): Course Development: Computational Science Methods for Earth and Planetary Sciences Using Open Source Software
Yifei Jin (UNR): Material Extrusion Manufacturing of Artificial Muscles for Wearable Resistive Exo-gloves in Low Gravity Environments
Henry Sun (DRI): Microbial life in Death Valley and implications for Mars
Brian Hedlund (UNLV): Biomass recycling using novel thermophilic enzymes and importance for sustainable space exploration
Jeongwon Park (UNR): Development of Nanotechnology-Enabled Sensors for Characterizing and Quantifying Particulate Matter in the Martian/Venusian Atmosphere
10:00 – 10:15am
10:15 – 11:00am
Oral research presentations (brief talks with Q&A)
Duane Moser (DRI): Deep Biosphere to Deep Space: Microbiome Insights for Life on Rocky Planets and Human Health during Long-Duration Spaceflight
Christopher Jeffrey (UNR): Microbial UV sunscreens beyond the pigment—efficient thermalization of UV light and its relevance to survival on early Earth
Marco Giordano (DRI): Global Aerosol: Identifying, Classifying, and Mapping – based in NASA’s AERONET data
11:00am – 12:00pm
STEM Education Mixer: David James build project
12:00 – 1:00pm
Lunch and networking
1:00 – 2:00pm
Keynote Talk: Dr. Matt Greenhouse, Science Instrument Payload Project Scientist: James Webb Space Telescope. You can find Dr. Matt Greenhouse outstanding bio here.
The James Webb Space Telescope is the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. It is the largest space telescope ever constructed, and will extend humanities’ high definition view of the universe into the infrared spectrum. The Webb will observe early epochs of the universe that the Hubble cannot see to reveal how its galaxies and structure have evolved over cosmic time. The Webb will explore how stars and planetary systems form and evolve and will search exoplanet atmospheres for evidence of life. The Webb’s science instrument payload includes four sensor systems that provide imagery, coronagraphy, and spectroscopy over the near- and mid-infrared spectrum. NASA developed the JWST in partnership with the European and Canadian Space Agencies, with science observations proposed by the international astronomical community in a manner similar to the Hubble. Launch of the Webb occurred during 25 December 2021. The Webb is currently undergoing in-flight commissioning in preparation for the start of science operations.
2:00 – 3:00pm
– Faculty Workshop: Helpful Hints to Writing a Successful Proposal with Mitch Krell (Deputy Program Manager, NASA EPSCoR and Space Grant); Room 181-182 Phase I Building
-Student Workshop: Developing your resume & interviewing skills” by Darren Vetter and Eric McMahan from UNLV’s Career Services; Rm 352 Rogers Building
3:00 – 3:15pm
Poster Session 30 sec Oral Introductions
3:15 – 4:30pm
Break, Student Poster Session and Networking
4:30 – 5:00pm
NV Pathways to Success: Overview of NVSGC and NASA EPSCoR, Solicitation schedule; Progress & brainstorming to improve NV NASA Programs
Registration is required. Please register by April 22, 2022.
In-person registration is closed. Registration is for online participation only. To receive a kit for the hands-on activity, please submit your mailing address by April 4, 2022 here.
Make sure to upload a completed NASA Media Release as part of your registration.
All students participating in research funded by the Nevada Space Grant are strongly encouraged to attend the annual meeting and provide a research poster presentation. A poster session will be held on Friday, April 29, 2022 so that students may share their research with everyone in attendance. If you wish to participate in the poster session, please provide a headshot and abstract by Monday, April 18, 2022.
Poster Session Eligibility: Students currently enrolled within a Nevada institution of higher education are eligible to participate in the poster session. The poster session is limited to 16 in person presentation slots.
Abstracts and Headshot Due
Monday, April 18, 2022.
Word count limit: 300 words.
Poster Setup
Annual Meeting
Poster Competition
Poster Break Down
7:30 – 8:15am
8:15am – 5:00pm
3:15 – 4:30pm
Poster Session Presentations
Erin Cassin
Cheyenne Brokaw
Jonathan Covington
Dylan Guerin
Hamed Heidari
David King
Megan Mellor
Kellen Mitchell
Lily Raymond
Shams Razzak Rothee
Derrick Satterfield
Natasha Sushenko
Collin Willis
All Nevada faculty funded by the Nevada NASA Space Grant Consortium and Nevada NASA EPSCoR are strongly encouraged to attend the annual meeting and provide an oral research presentation. An oral research presentation session will be held on Friday, April 29, 2022 so that faculty may share their research with everyone in attendance.
Eligibility: Faculty funded by the NVSGC and/or Nevada NASA EPSCoR during the 2021-2022 calendar years are eligible to participate in the oral research presentation session. This oral presentation session is first come, first serve.
Abstracts and Headshot Due
Monday, April 11, 2022.
Word count limit: 300 words.
Annual Meeting Begins
Oral Research Presentations (12 min talks with Q&A)
Annual Meeting Concludes
8:25 – 10:15am
and 10:30 – 11:00am
Faculty Oral Presentations
Aude Picard (UNLV)
Title: Under Pressure: Defining the Limits of Life on Ocean Worlds
Eden Furtak-Cole (DRI)
Title: Course Development: Computational Science Methods for Earth and Planetary Sciences Using Open Source Software
Yifei Jin (UNR)
Title: Material Extrusion Manufacturing of Artificial Muscles for Wearable Resistive Exo-gloves in Low Gravity Environments
Henry Sun (DRI)
Title: Microbial life in Death Valley and implications for Mars
Brian Hedlund (UNLV)
Title: Biomass recycling using novel thermophilic enzymes and importance for sustainable space exploration
Jeongwon Park (UNR)
Title: Development of Nanotechnology-Enabled Sensors for Characterizing and Quantifying Particulate Matter in the Martian/Venusian Atmosphere
Duane Moser (DRI)
Title: Deep Biosphere to Deep Space: Microbiome Insights for Life on Rocky Planets and Human Health during Long-Duration Spaceflight
Christopher Jeffrey (UNR)
Title: Microbial UV sunscreens beyond the pigment—efficient thermalization of UV light and its relevance to survival on early Earth
Marco Giordano (DRI)
Title: Global Aerosol: Identifying, Classifying, and Mapping – based in NASA’s AERONET data

Dr. Lynn Fenstermaker
Project Director

Gibran Chavez-Gudino
Research Administrator

Michael Lujan
NASA Program Coordinator