- Continue to provide and expand STEM research and training opportunities for students through the NASA internship, fellowship and scholarship (NIFS) program.
- Expand past/current successful college and pre-college curricular and informal education projects. Partner with other education-based organizations to provide enhanced STEM training to the broadest possible student population in Nevada.
- Enhance research infrastructure to provide education and training of students for entry into STEM careers.
Solicitation Opportunities
- NVSGC NASA Internships
- Ongoing Announcement
- Applications due throughout the year at NASA’s OSSI Website
- NVSGC Undergraduate Scholarships
- Announced and applications due in winter
- NVSGC Faculty Solicitations
- Curriculum Development
- Hands-on-Training
- Informal Education
- Pre-College
- Announced in the winter and applications due early spring
- NVSGC Graduate Fellowships
- Announced in the winter and applications due in early spring
- NVSGC Research Infrastructure
- Announced late winter and applications due in spring